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Hollywood Love


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  Sunday, November 2nd

  Monday, November 3rd

  Tuesday, November 4th

  Wednesday, November 5th

  Monday, December 8th

  Tuesday, January 27th

  Friday, April 24th

  Tuesday, May 19th

  Tuesday, June 16th

  Wednesday, November 18th

  Tuesday, January 26th

  Sunday, February 28th





  Saturday, March 5th

  Books by Jillian


  Book #16



  Copyright © 2014-2017 by Jillian Dodd

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  Jillian Dodd Inc.

  N. Redington Beach, FL

  Jillian Dodd and The Keatyn Chronicles are registered trademarks of Jillian Dodd, Inc.

  Sunday, November 2nd

  Keatyn & Aiden’s home — Chelsea


  I get a video call from Knox just as we’re getting into a limo.

  “What’s up?” Knox asks as I answer. He’s shirtless, in front of a blue ocean backdrop, and wearing the kind of goofy grin that makes me wonder if he’s love-drunk or just drunk-drunk.

  “Knox, you’re on your honeymoon. Why are you calling me?” I tease.

  “You’re on your honeymoon. Why are you answering?” he fires back, causing me to laugh. “I’m calling because my love nest was discovered, and with the press release about the wedding going out today, it would have only gotten worse, so we checked out of the hotel. Speaking of that, Katie is going to be staying with me in London, and, uh, I am supposed to be staying with you.”

  “You’re both welcome, Knox. Not that you’ll see her much.”

  “I know, but she’s excited to explore London. Says she can spend days at the museums. I don’t think she will be bored.”

  “That’s good because we’ll be crazy busy. Is that why you called? Are you wanting to come here early?”

  “Where is here? Are you in London or Paris?”

  “We ended up staying in London. Aiden had some important business meetings.”

  “Keatyn, we have a mere seven days before we have to be on set, and I plan on taking full advantage of those days. And, rather than mess with another media leak at a hotel, I figured, what the hell? I’m way too conservative with my money. I called Archie Barger. Rented his yacht.”

  “The tech billionaire?” I gasp excitedly even though it’s just for show. I already know exactly where Knox is. “I’ve seen photos of it. And you can’t call it a yacht. It’s one of those super yachts.”

  “And it’s totally and completely sick. When we got here last night, we both said, This place deserves a party!” Katie and Knox yell in unison.

  I wave at Katie, who has appeared on the screen.

  “Now, don’t get me wrong, just because we’re inviting friends doesn’t mean that my bride and I won’t sneak off for a quickie or even disappear for a whole evening, but still, it will be fun. Come on, sugar.”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh, boy, now you’re sweet-talking me. Let me talk to Aiden. He—”

  “We already talked to Aiden,” Knox sasses. “He says he can take the week off. That, since you’ve been in London, he’s been doing too much work. And it’s your honeymoon, too. He shouldn’t be working at all.”

  “You’re right. Neither of us should be, but there’s a lot going on with both of our businesses that sort of make it impossible. I’m assuming a super yacht has Wi-Fi?”

  “Of course. Does that mean your answer is yes?” He waggles his eyebrows at me and grins. He loves getting his way.

  “Yes, Knox. We’d love to come. Where is the boat docked?”

  “Well, it was docked at the Marina di Portofino but is currently at sea, off the coast of Italy.” He turns the camera away from his face and shows me an ocean panorama. “I’m not showing you any more,” he says, coming back on-screen. “I want you to be surprised. Fly into Genova, and the yacht’s helicopter will bring you out to us.”

  “Is the weather still warm?”

  “Low seventies during the day, cooler at night. Absolutely beautiful.”

  “Who else is coming?”

  “Well,” he says, sighing dramatically, “I invited Dawson and Vanessa, but his girls start at their new school tomorrow, so they declined. Sucks. Because they got married this weekend. This could be their honeymoon, too.”

  “I’m sure they will go on a honeymoon later, once the girls get settled.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s the responsible thing to do. Right now, I’m all about the adventure. Maybe I’ll retire, buy a yacht, become a captain.”

  “You can’t retire yet, Knox. What about Riley? I thought he’d jump at the chance. He’s always up for anything.”

  “Riley has a hot date with Ariela to celebrate—and this is so stupid—the anniversary of when they started dating in high school.” He gives me an eye roll. “Why they want to remember that date, knowing all the shit they’ve put each other through since, I have no idea. They need to start living in the ever-fucking present, but whatever. If things go well on their date, he’s going to bring her. If not, he might be here stag. Dallas, who is now my very best friend, and his lovely wife, RiAnne, are already on their way. Even though school is starting for their kids, too, that actually made it easier for them to get away.”

  “She’s leaving the baby?” I ask, shock written all over my face. I can’t imagine RiAnne leaving her three-week-old baby at home.

  “No, of course not,” Knox scoffs. “The baby is coming with them. There’s a nursery with an attached nanny suite waiting for them. RiAnne is thrilled that she can relax, hang out with us, and still have the baby right here.”

  “A baby at your honeymoon,” I say, shaking my head in disbelief. “Damn, Knox. Color me impressed.”

  “I know. Fuck. I’m getting old, aren’t I?”

  “You’re maturing. Big difference.”

  “Speaking of babies, when do you think we will realistically be able to start filming my baby? And what about a release date? Have you been thinking about it at all? It’s seriously on my mind all the time.”

  “What do you think I’ve been working on over my honeymoon? Dawson and Tyler are doing a great job of taking care of the day-to-day business, but this is different. This
movie is our baby now. I’ve already had videoconferences with the Captive team about it. We have a budget and a time line. We just need to get all the key players in place.”

  “Seriously, I’m wiping tears from my eyes right now at your dedication to our baby.”

  “Knox, we’re video-chatting. There are no tears. You’re so full of shit.” I can’t help but laugh as he starts to allow himself to tear up on demand. “You’ll be happy to hear that we have secured the costume designer I requested. And guess what?”

  “What?” he asks, his face moving so close to the screen, all I can see is his eyes.

  “Matt Moran is waiting to retire. Riley will direct, as planned, but he wants to help produce.”

  “Are you serious?” Knox’s eyes get huge.

  He pulls the camera back, and I can see how happy it makes him. We’ve worked with Matt for years. It’s a good fit.

  “We really are going to do it, aren’t we, Keatyn? Win awards for this sucker.”

  “Is that your goal, Knox? Because it’s not mine. You and I are personally investing a shit-ton of money in this film. First and foremost, we need it to be a box office success.”

  “Why can’t it be both, sugar?” he says in that cocky Southern tone of his. “You’re the one who spews out romantic possibilities. I’ve had box office success. I have a beautiful wife. All that’s left on my bucket list is a family and an Academy Award.”

  “Just be patient, okay? If we’re going for it—”

  “Are we going for it? Because you’re making me question your commitment right about now.”

  “Have I ever done anything small, Knox?” I ask, rolling my eyes at him.

  “Hell no.”

  “That means, you can’t pressure me on this part. You can’t get all antsy and impatient. It’s going to take some time to put together the perfect team.”

  “Like one full of award winners?”

  “Actually, no. I didn’t ask Matt to work on the project, Knox. I just gave him the script. Told him I valued his opinion and hoped he would give me some guidance on who to go after from a cast and crew standpoint. Seven and a half hours later, he called me, begging to be part of the team. And get this; all he wants is a quarter of a point because he’s passionate about the project.”

  “That’s encouraging.”

  I give him a sly grin. “Plus, he thinks it’s his chance to win an Oscar, too. Crazy, with all his success, he’s never even been nominated.”

  “How long are we talking?” he asks, already tapping his fingers on the counter.

  “We have to factor in Captive’s other projects, the fact that we have to build our studio space and sets from scratch, and of course, my pregnancy. The good news is, I’m pretty sure the set designer we want will be coming on board soon, meaning preproduction can start right after the first of the year. You’ll be shooting Daddy’s Angel from the time you are done with the Trinity location shoots until March—unless we decide to extend it another season. If we do, you’ll be busy until June. The doctor says, if all goes well with my pregnancy, I’ll make it to thirty-three weeks, which is mid-April. If it wasn’t for the fact that we will practically be filming at our home, I wouldn’t even consider starting until late fall, but I’m setting it up for July and August. We’ll film almost entirely on set, and the location shoots will be within minutes from home. Postproduction can be done in about eight weeks. How do you feel about a Thanksgiving weekend release?”

  “Are you serious? I love it!”

  “It’s bold though, Knox. And a big risk,” I tell him. I’m really torn about what to do. “It’s when the blockbusters release.”

  “It’s also when moviegoers come out in droves,” he counters.

  “But it could backfire. The people who see movies that weekend sometimes only see one movie a year in theaters. They are like the people who only go to church on Easter. What if they want the blockbuster film and not ours?”

  “They’ve been begging for a romance between us forever!” he cries out. “We’ll finally give it to them.”

  “No, they will get it six months earlier when the last Trinity releases during Memorial Day weekend,” I argue.

  “No. They get a happy for now,” he says. “Not the big, sweeping happily ever after that we’re going to give them in our movie.”

  “True. Are you saying we should go for it? A late-year release also has the added benefit of sticking in the minds of the Academy voters.”

  “I’m saying, when it comes to you and me, we should always go for it. Box office gold, sugar. And, by gold, in this case, I’m talking, pretty gold statues for everyone!” He punches his fist into the air like a champion, looks at me, and says, “Get your ass packed and on a plane.”

  “We’re already packed and on our way to the airport, Knox,” Aiden says, pulling the camera in front of his face.

  “See you soon!” I yell as Aiden ends the call.


  Full Moon Madness?

  Okay, people, things are getting a little weird. Maybe because it was Halloween weekend—the Day of the Dead, or whatever creepy holiday you choose to celebrate with floating pumpkins and skulls.

  I’m going to start off with a warning because this column is as long and as tangled as the cobwebs you tried to decorate your front porch with.

  For you skimmers, I’ll start with the facts, then delve deeper into the details. There are official press announcements about all of these things, but I refuse to post them—mostly because they were about three weddings, none of which were mine. The press releases were all issued separately today, and although my depression went deeper with each announcement, it wasn’t until the big one hit that I was officially done for. At first, it was no big deal. Just another announcement. Yay, someone got engaged. Cheers on your wedding.

  You may think these things are unrelated, but trust me, they are not. They are like dominoes in a row. We pushed one, and the whole damn thing came tumbling down—along with my life.

  Ladies, go grab a tissue. You’re going to need it.

  1. Knox Daniels, the sexiest man alive and my biggest celebrity crush, has left me devastated. I’m talking I’m lying-on-the-floor, dipping-Oreos-in-a-jar-of-peanut-butter, and sobbing-as-I-type devastated. Not only did he not marry his perfect match, Keatyn Douglas, he also eloped with a teacher. Yes. Let that sink in. A teacher. A normal girl. Why, Knox? Why? If you were going to marry a normal girl, I volunteered as tribute years ago.

  2. Publicist to the stars, Vanessa Flanning, married Dawson Johnson, CEO of Captive Films, in a private ceremony at the family’s Hamptons vacation home.

  3. International polo star and billionaire industrial heir, Juan Fabio “Bam” Martinez married former cocktail waitress, Shelby Benson, in a private ceremony at his family’s castle in Italy.

  4. And, although this was just a tidbit in one of the press releases, it is important. If you wondered who planned the perfectly executed wedding for Keatyn Douglas, it was event planner Ariela Ross.

  What is it with all these at-home, backyard weddings anyway?

  Believe it or not, all these events are related. It’s like playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon or something.

  First, we learn that Knox Daniels was so distraught over Keatyn Douglas’s wedding that he eloped just a week later in London with a schoolteacher from Cincinnati. Sounds like a prank or something, right? My immediate thought was that this was another Captive Films publicity stunt. Or maybe it was like those kids who send letters to celebrities, asking them to be their prom dates. Only she sent in a letter, asking Knox to marry her, and he did.

  But, alas, there is more to the story. And I’ve got the scoop for you.

  It seems the couple met at Keatyn’s wedding just two weeks ago. Katie, the schoolteacher who was there with a plus-one, was introduced to Knox, and he was completely smitten. The two agreed to meet up the following weekend, but Knox showed up at the private school in Cincinnati where she teaches and had studen
ts help present her with a truckload of red roses. Knox then whisked her away to a luxurious penthouse suite in Washington DC where they toured the monuments like regular tourists.

  We’re told by Knox’s camp that his new … bride—sorry, I can barely speak that word, let alone type it—is a big fan of the reality TV show The Bachelor—I mean, who isn’t?—and that the roses, museum dates, and fantasy suite were all part of an elaborate bachelor-style weekend proposal. After begging Knox’s personal assistant for more details and promising her my firstborn child—don’t hold your breath, Missy—she spilled that Knox’s engagement was completely over the top, first taking place on a yacht, which then turned into a version of a Trinity movie.

  We have to pause here …

  Remember the first time you saw Keatyn and Knox on-screen together? That magical moment where she had been kidnapped. She was tied to a chair, being taunted by Knox—who looked sexy as mothereffing hell, scar or no scar—when she challenged him to a fight. When he took off his shirt, it was like the sun opened up, and the heavens rained down singing angels. Although my favorite part was when Keatyn took off hers to “keep things fair.” I swear, that is when Keatyn became my girl crush. Because 10 points for Gryffindor with that move.

  Sorry, I’m now pulling up Internet photos of Knox’s abs. Give me a minute.

  Okay, sob, trip down memory lane is over. Moving on.

  Back to the proposal.

  Apparently, Knox got down on one knee. He proposed. She said yes. They kissed. And, when it came time to present her with a token of his love—I was hoping Missy would tell me it was a chip and meant the marriage wouldn’t last long—he couldn’t find the ring because it had been stolen by Dremel—the Trinity ultra-villain who never, ever dies even though Knox and Keatyn have killed him, like, what—five times now?