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That Wedding Page 25

  "So, I either invited the firemen to the wedding, or I had to invite them because of all the candles. Like maybe some fire code. Kinda like when they supervise fireworks shows."

  "Oh, that sounds reasonable. Okay, so then what?"

  "This totally hot, buff fireman runs up to me."

  "Is he in his fireman's outfit?"

  "They all are, but they aren't wearing shirts. Just like their jackets, pants, and those hard red hats with the yellow tape on them. And their jackets are open, so you can see their sexy abs."

  "Nice. So was it that Ryan guy?"

  "Let me finish. So this sexy ass fireman runs up to me, tackles me, and rolls me."

  "Rolls you? Why doesn't he just take the veil off?"

  "Stop, drop, and roll? Don't you know anything? And stop interrupting. This is serious."

  "Okay, sorry."

  "So he puts out my veil fire. And after rolling me, he ends up laying on top of me. He grins this gorgeous smile at me and starts kissing me. At my wedding!! And this fireman is so freaking hot! I want him, like right there. And for a minute, I think we're gonna have sex right there in the aisle at my wedding, with everyone watching! But all of a sudden, he pulls me up off the ground, and we run, hand in hand together, outside the church. We grab the bars on the back of the fire truck as it pulls away."

  "So you left your wedding with a fireman? I see two problems with this. One, you'd already said your vows, so you were legally married to Phillip, and -"

  "Let me finish."

  "Okay, but...."

  "The fireman was Phillip."

  "What? So you left Phillip-the-groom at the altar to run away with Phillip-the-fireman?"


  "But that makes no sense."

  "No shit."

  "Okay, let's analyze this. Do you have some secret fantasy about firemen? Maybe you should have Phillip dress up as one and come and save you."

  I roll my eyes.

  She snaps her fingers. "It could mean you want more adventure with Phillip."


  "You know what it really means? I think your mind is telling you what you already know. That no matter where you go, Phillip is the guy of your dreams and is perfect for you. It just means that you're destined to be together."

  "I think it means that I can run away, but he'll always find me. It means I'm trapped. I'm stuck with him."

  "I wish I had dreams like yours. They're always so good. I never remember mine."

  "I thought pregnant women had lots of crazy dreams?"

  "Not me. Not so far anyway. But I swear, I could put a bomb sniffing dog out of work. I can smell EVERYTHING! Speaking of that, I'm pretty sure I smell Phillip and Danny coming back with the fried chicken."

  And she was right.

  About thirty-seconds later, I smell fried chicken coming down the hall.

  Phillip and Danny burst in the hospital room.

  Danny says, "Mark Conway is announcing his retirement today. He's supposed to be holding a press conference in like fifteen minutes. I just got a text about it."

  We turn on the TV, eat chicken, and watch him announce his retirement. Although we're very excited about what this means for Danny's future, it still makes us all a little sad because we know someday Danny will announce his retirement.

  "Not for a long ass time though," Danny says. He's actually looks a little teary-eyed.

  Lori says, "Damn, I've never seen you cry, and now you're getting misty-eyed twice in one day."

  "I'm excited about what this means for me, but I know someday that'll be me up there."

  Lori grabs his hand and says, "Not for a long time, baby. Not for a long time."

  I really hope and pray she's right about that. One time in middle school when Danny was a lot smaller, he got a concussion. Ever since then, I say a prayer before every game. And so far, Danny's been blessed. He's never really gotten hurt. He broke his non-throwing arm once in high school and slightly sprained his ankle in college. Well, he did sprain his ankle, and it did slow him down, but it didn't stop him. And of course, there were lots of games where his body was pretty bruised up and sore, but never anything to keep him from playing. I pray it continues that way.

  Phillip and I leave the hospital to let Lori rest. They're letting her go home soon. We did a little shopping and had dinner at our hotel. We're staying with them this weekend, but have an early appointment here at the hotel tomorrow morning and decided this would be easier. Phillip and I had a bottle of wine at dinner, and I tried to get him drunk enough to tell me where we're going on our honeymoon. I tried to reason with him about how I need to know what to pack. I tried to pout. Nothing worked. Then I tried sex.

  I'm laying on his shoulder thinking about how amazing he is. There's something about the time right after sex. I feel so close to him and so in love. I think that's how it's supposed to feel. All those nights I was with other guys, laying there thinking it was great, but just wanting to get home. Well, or do it again, you know, so I wouldn't have to talk to him.

  Why was it that Phillip and I never brought people home with us?

  Danny, oh my gosh, I once threatened to replace his bedroom door with a revolving one.

  "Phillip, how come you never let a girl spend the night at our house?"

  "I don't know. Probably the same reason you never had a guy spend the night."

  "That's weird, don't ya think?"

  "I don't know if it was a conscious thought, but it was like our place. I think I would've felt like I was cheating on you. We were pathetic, huh?"

  "Yeah, I think that's kinda why I didn't either. Sorta out of some weird respect. I also think you would've been terribly jealous," I tease.

  "I would've been," he says very seriously. "I really never liked any of your dates or your boyfriends. I never really understood why. I told myself that I was just protecting you, but really, I was jealous. I've been jealous of every boy who has ever kissed you. I wanted to kill every boy who's ever hurt you. I wanted you. All to myself."

  "Hmmmm, do you want me now?"

  "Again?" He chuckles. "Wellllll, let's see." He puts my hand down south. "What do you think?"

  I grin because, well, you know. "I would say someone wants me."

  "Yeah, me," he says as he pulls me on top of him.

  It's three am. I'm not sure what woke me up, but I can't seem to fall back asleep.

  Things have been crazy. I've been planning the wedding, going to showers, getting ready to move, designing a building, and getting ready for Christmas.

  I have a lot on my plate, but I know the wedding is what's keeping me awake.

  I have my dream wedding pretty well planned out. I'm laying here looking at my dream guy. I know in my heart, my soul, my bones, that he is THE one.

  I don't doubt that for a second.

  But at the same time, I'm a little nervous.

  I'm clearly not going back to sleep, so I pop on facebook and see Danny has just posted Can't sleep as his status.

  I gently slide out of bed, so I don't wake Phillip. I go in the living room and give Danny a call. "Hey, I can't sleep either. Why can't you sleep?"

  Danny gives me a huge sigh. Like the weight of the world is sitting on his shoulders. "Do you think I'm gonna be a good father? After last week at the hospital, the baby seems so real. Before it didn't seem so real."

  "Danny, you're gonna be an awesome dad, but I get what you're feeling. I think I'm having the exact same thoughts, only concerning my wedding. It's a bit surreal. I'm afraid I'm gonna suck as a wife, and Phillip will wonder why the hell he married me."

  "I think Lori wonders sometimes why she married me. And who could blame her? I wasn't that supportive of her when she was feeling bad. I got kinda tired of it."

  "Sometimes I feel like I'm a bomb. Like I'm ticking and ticking. I don't know when I'll explode, but when I do, I'm afraid I'll ruin my relationship with Phillip. It's a lot of pressure."

  "I feel that way too. Like I'm trying to
make an offensive game plan when I have no idea what the defense is gonna do. They're an unknown. There's no film, no scouting reports. I'm gonna have to adjust on the field, on the fly. And that's not easy to do. I have no control."

  "That's why sometimes I'm afraid to marry Phillip. I feel out of control."

  "Love makes you feel out of control. I think that's how you know it's right."

  "I can't imagine how that will be magnified when you have a baby, Danny. I can see why you can't sleep."

  "You're a big help," he says sarcastically.

  "Danny, knowing what you know now, having been married, if you had a do over, would you make the same play again? Would you marry her again?"

  "Definitely, yes. Honestly, I can't imagine my life without her. But it's still hard."

  "Uh, speaking of hard. Is it bad that Phillip's gone from being my bff and wanting to sit around and talk to me all the time to wanting nothing but sex from me?"

  Danny chuckles. "Now that's the one thing that IS normal."

  "So seriously, should I marry him?"

  "Yeah, I think you should. You have to know he's crazy about you."

  "Maybe, but these counseling sessions are freaking me out, Danny. Phillip and I are failing!! We don't handle conflict right. We don't talk about money, and we spend way too much time together. I think we're doing great. But when we go there, I feel like a big fat failure!"

  "You and Phillip aren't going to fail. You're good together. He's always been good for you."

  "I know that, but am I good for him?"

  "That's exactly what I wanna know! Am I going to be a good dad? Am I going to be good for them? No bullshit, Jay. Do you think I'll be a good dad?"

  "You'll be the best dad, Danny. Seriously. Think about it. You stand on the field calmly waiting for a receiver to get open while three hundred pound men come rushing after you. I think you can handle a little eight pound baby."

  "Well, when you put it that way, true."

  "I just realized something. You're confident about everything you do. I don't know anyone with more confidence than you. In fact, you being scared makes me feel more normal. Maybe being scared is normal."

  "I think you're right. Get to sleep."

  "Okay, you too."

  I sneak back into bed. I'm so glad I got to talk to Danny. I feel so much better.

  Everything will be fine.

  Phillip is laying in bed watching TV while I take a hot bubble bath. I'm not feeling great. Phillip made me go to the doctor today because the cold I've been fighting for a couple weeks had turned into a stupid sinus infection. He gave me some strong antibiotics, so I should be feeling better quickly. The holidays were a blur. We had an amazing first Christmas together, and we're on the countdown to the big day. I can't believe in a couple weeks we'll be married! I think I was just nervous before. I know Phillip is the one for me.

  I'm sure of it.

  How can I not be sure of it when he's so sweet to me? He got my prescription filled, brought me home chicken noodle soup, and watched a movie with me. I slept through most of the movie because I was laying with my head on his lap, and he was running his fingers through my hair. He woke me up after the movie and told me I should take a hot bath and then come to bed.

  I get out of the tub, lay down next to him, and fall immediately to sleep.

  I'm on the phone with a friend, telling her that I'm marrying Phillip.

  I'm not sure who exactly I'm talking to, but I'm telling her how excited I am.

  How Phillip and I will be the perfect married couple.

  How we're made for each other.

  I gush on and on about how amazing Phillip is. How I'm sure he's the perfect man for me.

  But as I'm gushing on about him, all of a sudden, I watch myself burst into flames.

  I'm on the phone speaking, but yet, I'm burning. I'm like the burning bush.

  Apparently God believes I've just spoken blasphemy, that I'm not right for Phillip.

  I wake up to Phillip shaking me. "Princess, wake up. You're screaming."

  I guess you tend to do that when you spontaneously burst into flames.

  I'm shaken by the dream.

  Was the dream just a sign from God that I shouldn't marry Phillip? Or is my mind messing with me?

  Phillip kisses my forehead. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, just a bad dream."

  He rolls me into his arms. I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. I think fleetingly before I fall back asleep that God must've been wrong.

  Because I belong in this exact spot.


  "That was amazing," Phillip says. "I did damn good."

  Phillip's usually pretty impressed with himself after sex. It'd make me laugh, if he wasn't completely right. Everything he does is like perfect. I've always joked that he knows what's best for me, but I was talking about in life, not in bed. In bed, he definitely knows exactly what to do to me, like at exactly the right time. And I'm not sure how he does it because I still haven't figured everything out about him.

  I've been thinking about telling Phillip about how I've been kinda nervous about the whole death do you part thing. About the whole being together FOREVER thing.

  I've always been able to talk to Phillip about how I feel, but now that the boy we're talking about is him, it's not as easy.

  And as much as I keep trying to push it away or smother it, I can't help it, the burning bush dream is still on my mind. I can't figure out if it was a sign I shouldn't marry Phillip or just plain old cold feet. I read on a wedding website that getting cold feet is completely normal, so I'm trying to be calm about it.

  "Phillip, do you ever get cold feet?"

  "Are you scared about getting married?"

  "Me? Oh, no," I lie. "I just wondered if you do. I read on some wedding website that it's completely normal. I mean, I don't wanna be left standing at the altar cuz you changed your mind."

  "Princess, no way I'm changing my mind."

  "And you don't think we're settling, right?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Like we couldn't get anyone else, so we're best friends getting married."

  Phillip backs away like I slapped him. "Is that what you think?"

  "No, not at all. Someone just said that, and I wanted to make sure you don't feel that way."

  "Let me guess, Richie Rich?"

  "Um, maybe. So you don't think we are?"

  Phillip doesn't answer. Instead, he kisses my neck. "Do you like that?"

  "Uh, yeah, but we're supposed to be talking."

  He runs his hands down my sides and says, "How bout that?"

  "Phillip, what does that have to do with cold feet or settling?"

  Phillip moves super fast. Before I know it, he's sitting on top of me and has my hands pinned above my head. He leans down close to my face and runs his scruffy jaw across mine. "Settling for marrying your friend means there's love but no physical attraction."

  I had just put on a T-shirt. He strips it off with one strong hand and pins my arms down against the bed again.

  God, I love how strong he is.

  "What are you doing?" I say breathlessly.

  "I think I need to prove to you that you're not settling."

  "How are you gonna do that? Aren't we supposed to be talking about this?"

  He kisses down my neck and murmurs into my ear. "Talking is overrated in this situation. I'm gonna do stuff to you. If it makes you want me, then you're not settling, and we get married. If it doesn't, we won't."

  "So if I can resist you, we can call off the wedding?"

  He nods his head then kisses the top of my outstretched arms, across my wrists, down my tender and slightly ticklish forearm. He's not even to my elbow, and I know I'd never be able to resist him with any conviction. Especially now that he's kissing my chest and my stomach. I'm tying to pretend to be disinterested, but truth is, I wanted him the second he rubbed his cheek against mine.

  He kisses further d
own my stomach, and I think he's going to really make me crazy by going down a bit further. Instead, he moves back up to my mouth and kisses me deeply.

  "You're being a tease," I tell him.

  "Oh, I haven't even begun to tease you, Princess. How much more can you take?"

  I try to steady my breathing. My friends used to tease me that all I ever looked for in a guy were muscles and a pretty face. That I should look at his personality, his mind. I joked back that there was nothing wrong with wanting my happily ever after wrapped in a really hot package. And if Phillip is my happily ever after, then I got my wish.

  I'm so not settling.

  My eyes can't help but take in every curve of every muscle. The rock solid hardness of his biceps. His lean stomach. The abs. Oh, how I love Phillip's abs. Even though my arms are still pinned above my head, my fingers move slightly, like they do when I trace my fingertips down them. Phillip slides his boxers off and gives me a whole different kind of hardness to look at.

  Shit. I can resist him

  I resisted him my whole life, surely, I can resist him this once, just to make a point.

  "I can resist you. I resisted you for years," I tell him Of course, he was always clothed when I resisted him.

  He pushes all his hardness against me.

  "That's not really fair," I murmur. "It's not fair that you're naked."

  He kisses me again. "Wow. You can resist. Guess I'll just go watch some TV, and we'll call off the wedding." He moves his body a fraction of an inch, like he's getting ready to get off me.

  I can't let him go, so I say, "No, you're not," and pull him into me.

  After a very thorough convincing, I know for certain we're not settling.

  But there's more.

  "Phillip, you know that we're solving our conflicts with sex, right? You know our relationship is probably already infected."

  Phillip brushes a stray strand of hair off my face. "Princess, I think we solved the conflict, and then we had sex."

  "I don't really even remember what the conflict was."

  We both start laughing.

  Phillip says, "Then we don't have to worry about it festering and growing. We're all good."

  "So what about the feet? Aren't you a little scared about getting married? About making a lifelong, death do you part, commitment?

  His brown eyes look at me softly. His mouth turns up into a grin, like he just thought of something happy. "Feel my feet," he says.

  I move my cold feet against his always warm ones. I don't know how he's always so warm, but it's one of the many things I adore about him.